Ayurveda Holistic Life Style Coach

In Ayurveda, the goal is to address the root cause of an issue instead than only treating its symptoms.

Ayurveda provides an enormous sense of deep connection to the nature and its natural cycles.

The ancient wisdom of Ayurveda was handed to us by the Vedic tradition. This medical system, which has its roots in Southern India, emphasises lifespan and prevention in addition to treating illnesses that affect the body and the psyche. Ayurveda can be practiced anywhere, as its principles are universal.

The principles of Ayurveda have their roots in nature and may be applied to any situation. The principles of Ayurveda are straightforward, approachable, and incredibly transformative, despite the system’s deep and intricate modalities.

We now require, more than ever, a genuinely holistic and integrated approach to our health and all bodily and mental processes.

My Specializations


Everyone can benefit from the practice of meditation, which can lower stress, improve clarity and relaxation, and foster happiness. The benefits of meditation can be felt right away, and learning to meditate is simple. I provide some fundamental advice to set you on the path to increased joy, acceptance, and equanimity.

Yoga Therapy & Movement therapy

Yoga therapy is the application of the principles and practices of yoga to promote health and well-being within a therapeutic relationship that includes, personalised assessment, goal setting, lifestyle management and yoga practices for individuals or small groups.



The word “breathwork,” which refers to a variety of New Age breathing techniques, describes how conscious control over one’s breathing is said to have a therapeutic impact on one’s mental, emotional, or physical state. Pranayama is the term used traditionally.
Breathwork is a technique that lowers stress and enhances health by using deliberate, deep breathing.

Ayurveda Nutrition & Herbal Remedy

According to Ayurveda, five elements make up the universe — ether, air, water, fire, and earth.
These elements are believed to form three different doshas, which are defined as types of energy that circulate within your body. Each dosha is responsible for specific physiological functions.
The Ayurvedic diet is an eating pattern focused on promoting balance within your body by following guidelines for your specific dosha, or body type.

About Me

I started my Yoga and Ayurveda journey 25 years back. My life and general health have been much enhanced by Yogic and Ayurvedic practices; they include improvements to my immune system, gastrointestinal health, and, most importantly, the emotional stability I possess.

As a Certified Ayurvedic Life-Style Consultant I guide my customers into an Holistic Approach to a life change based on the power of personal intuition and self care routines. 

Find your balance, energy & happiness the natural way.

You should schedule a consultation if:


You're prepared to make profound, long-lasting improvements.


You're finding it difficult to maintain your ideal state of wellbeing.


You are aware that little daily routines have significant long-term advantages.


You want to use breath work, yoga, herbs, nutrition, meditation to stay in touch with your inner knowledge.

How It Works

Online Consultation

The goal of these consultations is to improve your mental and physical well-being and create a productive daily schedule. Rebuilding your everyday life is necessary to bring your body’s wisdom into balance, purify your inner world to establish harmony with the outside world, and develop alignment with nature.

Ayurveda is the Vedic system of mind-body medicine and yogic healing since ancient times now going global in the new planetary era. Anyone interested in healing or higher consciousness should explore its wisdom and practical guidance for all aspects of life. It is the basis for natural healing, yogic living and following your dharma.



In our session, we would cover the following topics:

  • Identify practical methods that you can use daily to improve your clarity, self-assurance, and comfort of living.
  • Talk about improving your digestion, which is thought to be the underlying cause of all illnesses.
  • Take note of the essential practices and strategies to maintain your distinct constitution (Prakriti) and remain in harmony with your surroundings throughout the year.
  • Suggest treatments, herbal remedies, physical and spiritual practices, readings, and more.

The best part is that you’ll get to experience what it’s like to be seen and heard by someone who genuinely wants the best for you.

Please download, fill out, save, and submit me THIS client consultation form if this seems like the perfect fit.

Then look at your calendar, give me a call, and let’s arrange for you to come in.
We’ll be using Google Meet to conduct our 60-minute session.

Consultations cannot be transferred or refunded. To confirm your appointment, payment is needed in advance. You are welcome to reschedule if cancellations are made with more than 24 hours’ notice.

"Du bist voll involviert in dem klar geführten Yoga-Kurs von Frau Ana Sirname. Ihre Überzeugungen sind durch das Leben in Stille gewachsen, das merkt man. Sie führt uns in Reinigung von Körper Geist und Seele ein. Atemtechnik Meditation, Ayurveda,Yoga sind nur Worte. Das Erleben macht es aus! Sie kombiniert ihr Können. Sieh Dir an, wie sie ihre Kraft gedanklich lenkt, wie jeder einzelne Finger arbeitet, wie sie uns step by step begleitet, ihr zu folgen. Ich höre sie sagen: Relaaaaax Relaaaaax und ebenso deutlich in kurzen Intervallen Atmen, mit schnaubenden Tönen. Ana erklärt und zeigt uns durch ihr Vorbild worum es geht. Ihre Korrekturen sind präzise! Fliessend ihre Bewegungen! Sie nimmt uns gerne mit in diesen Fluss auch jeden Anfänger wie mich. Danke Ana!"

– Miriam K.

"Recibir clases de Hatha Yoga con Diksha (Ana) para mí ha sido una gran experiencia y ha plantado la semilla de practicar yoga en mi vida. Desde que empecé con sus clases he venido practicando tanto las asanas, como el japa y la meditación. Las clases con ella son revitalizantes, a la par que sales relajada. Con su tono de voz es muy fácil tener atención plena durante las clases. Juega bastante bien con el tono de voz cuando hay que relajar a los alumnos al igual que lo hace cuando toca activación. Hace buenas correcciones durante las asanas. En las clases grupales corrige de forma individual a cada uno de los alumnos haciendo el ajuste necesario para llevarte a entrar al máximo en cada asana. Posee grandes conocimientos de ayurveda e hinduismo, y por supuesto de Yoga. Los transmite y comparte de forma muy didáctica con las personas que estamos dispuestas a aprender con sus enseñanzas. Excelente profesora!!!"

– Eva Portillo

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